server stats bot 13

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The bot simplifies one of the most useful features on Discord, reaction roles, which facilitates the option to use commands to make changes to the server.

Eris. With web configuration, moderation, anti-spam, auto roles, music, custom commands, and much more!

], s/partners [Sends info about our partners.

: Connect your server to the bot by using the setup command and entering your server's IP address and port. (you don’t need a category)], s/welcome [This will create a join and leave log channel. A multifunctional bot for your server with both fun and moderation commands.

Noel is a cute Discord bot based around anime and comes with a load of fun, unique and useful features. For music, the bot allows you to play songs from websites like Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube, etc and gives moderators the option to stop, pause, or remove songs.

Commands. Support.

Report The bot has an automatic setup which creates all necessary channels needed for function.

c!donatesave - Donate a save to the current guild.

Get updated Fortnite and Apex Legends stats directly from your own discord bot.

Customizable Behavior s/data [This will send all the data saved about your server.]. Apart from translation, the bot also serves some basic moderation functionalities to manage your server.

s/help [Send all the commands if you don’t put a command after it else it will if info about the command. Besides, to better organize the events, you can link it to the Calendar app of choice and have all your events in one place. ], s/roleinfo [Sends info about a role. Create your own profile and get all your stats in one place!

c!server - Get the current server's stats.

Game, Created By: copyrights, trademarks, service marks belong to the corresponding owners. You may customize everything and we are regularly implementing new features! The best leveling bot on discord.

Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Join Support Server


Introducing Chilly!

View Invite. Server Status. ZixeSea#

Report Otherwise, the count will reset.

In a nutshell, it is a complete moderation tool that helps you set certain preferences and sit back relaxed. 61/90: 3696 km #2: LUCKY HARMS 2.0-MAX LOOT+BOT-350 ZOMBIES-PVP&PVE-NO set up now. ], s/category [This will create a new category and puts the counter under it. Simple to use multi-purpose Discord bot. Minecraft Server Status Viewer How does it work?

A bot with Fun Commands, Verification, Moderation, Colors, and lots more!

You have 1.0 left.

Music, Fun. Create rewards, set a levelup channel, and view the leaderboard online.

Finally we need to go back to the 'Bot' section in the settings tab list.

ONLINE ServerStats 148 .

should be a messge after 1 day that sais it was reset tho, Amazing bot great for small competitions :). is not affiliated with Discord, Inc.

This bot can show you all members, members, bots, channels, roles, emojis, boosts and connected.

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